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Imagine having a plethora of new up and coming models as well as seasoned professionals, and everyone in between who are eager to shoot and work with you to learn and build their portfolio!

Imagine all models being on time and ready to shoot ...    ALWAYS.......

Imagine leaving a shoot with between 700 and 1000 images on the norm....

That's right, Imagine your online portfolio or web site built and ready to promote to the world in just (1) shoot.....


Just getting 10 -15 models to shoot for your portfolio might cost you $400 - $500 if you are talking quality models that are eager to put in an 8 hour shooting day ..... We have figured out a way to make this happen for you, and all you have to do is show up and shoot in a safe environment where the likeness of your work is protected. 


House Of Style Productions does everything for you, your portfolio grows every shoot, and you build a new client base to network with as you attend events!

If you are a new photographer or you are just getting started House Of Style is for you... House Of Style covers all release agreements and prohibits attendees from selling your work .... Our release agreements protect you as well, and we make sure that everyone gets credit for their work!

Not to mentions the marketing and exposure you will receive from the shoot and images you deliver.

We have over 20 Networking groups across the US and your work will be featured in them with credits of all involved in the image.

A truly priceless experience.

We do the work and you show up and do what you love.

Then ( up to 30 day's) following the shoot (via Email)  you deliver only three professionally edited images from each session to the credited recipients and we do the rest.

What better way to gain exposure?! 

Your Images will be seen by thousands from just one shoot and one days work!

And hey, you just might set youself up for a follow up shoot if a model really likes your work. 


(Below is just an example of one Photographers edited images from The Gatsby Shoot with House Of Style.) 

Photo Credits: Christiana Auer - Christiana J Photography


We look forward to shooting with you!


*Please submit atleast 3 Images of your most recent work and a brief Bio of your experience to the email below:






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